Tuesday 20 March 2012

Life iz Journey

Life is a journey which haults at different stops of experiences. Some good ones and some really bad ones. Some to be treasured and some to be forgotten and thrown in the deep well of lost and never found. I also am a traveller travelling on this journey and trying to collect some of the experiences which are coming my way.

Well the strangest part is that for this journey we do not know who is the driver whether we oursleves, our deeds or some one else who plans and take us anywhere he pleases or take us on the basis of the deeds we do.

It is sometimes in our hands whether we are sad or happy as we proceed Some people are really happy just for the sake of something new happening at every new point. Some people just do not want to see new things in life and they are the ones who are sad for something which they are never prepared for and is not in their favor. Well some others are totally like kites which try to fly with the wind of the time and take the direction which life offers them and not think much about the happiness or sadness but find the role they played in the whole journey. Whether they really did something as a traveller so that they may be remembered or they just travelled and moved on without leaving any impression at all.

I am wandering and wondering just to know whether i fall in one of the categories.Whether the experiences of life teach me or I will learn with every new direction I move on.I wish this journey ends at a point where I can really have something to offer for the new travellers to make their lives a little more comfortable then mine.

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