Monday 21 May 2012

Kabhi Hum Un Se Kabhi Woh Hum Se Rooth Jate Hain

Kabhi Hum Un Se Kabhi Woh Hum Se Rooth Jate Hain,

Hawa Kuch Chalti Hai Aisi Ke Kinare Choth Jate Hain,

Samandar Ki Gehrai Se Bhi Hote Hain Jo Gehre,

Pal Bhar Main Woh Rishte Kyun Toot Jate Hain,

Jin Pe Hota Hai Bharosa Apne Aap Se Bhar Kar,

Woh Log Dil Ki Duniya Kyun Loot Jate Hain,

Teer Chalta Hai Jab Nafrat Ka Un Ki Aakhon Se,

Dil Kaanch Ke Hote Hain Aksar Toot Jate Hain,

Bara Naaz Tha Mujhe Un Ki Wafaon Par,

Zara Zara Si Baat Par Jo Aksar Rooth Jate Hain.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Why Newton Committed Suicide....???

Well I am sure you must be wondering what it is all about?How come I am talking all of a sudden about such a genius, Newton?But this is something that I had stumbled upon and it made me smile.  So thought will share it with you. Let me know that you liked it or not?  Have a read:
Why Newton Committed Suicide.....

Once, Newton decided to watch a few James Bond movies that had his head spinning. He was convinced that all his logic and laws in physics were just a huge pile of junk and apologized for everything he had done.
In the movie of James Bond, Newton was confused to such an extent that he went paranoid.
Here are a few scenes

1) James Bond has a Brain Tumor which, according to the doctors can't be cured and his death is imminent. In one of the fights, our great James Bond is shot in the head. To everybody's surprise, the bullet passes through his ears taking away the tumor along with it and he is cured! Long Live James Bond!

2) In another movie, James Bond is confronted with 3 gangsters. James Bond has a gun but unfortunately only one bullet and a knife. Guess, what he does? He throws the knife at the middle gangster? & shoots the bullet towards the knife. The knife cuts the bullet into 2 pieces, which kills both the gangsters on each side of the middle gangster & the knife kills the middle one.

3) James Bond is chased by a gangster. James Bond has a revolver but no bullets in it. Guess, what he does. Nah? not even in your remotest imaginations. He waits for the gangster to shoot. As soon as the gangster shoots, James Bond opens the bullet compartment of his revolver and catches the bullet. Then, he closes the bullet compartment and fires his gun. Bang... the gangster dies...
This was too much for our Newton to take! He was completely shaken and decided to go back. But he happened to see another movie for one last time, and thought that at least one movie would follow his theory of physics. The whole movie goes fine and Newton is happy that all in the world hasn't changed. Oops, not so fast!
The 'climax' finally arrives. James Bond gets to know that the villain is on the other side of a very high wall. So high that James Bond can't jump even if he tries like one of those superman techniques that our heroes normally use. James Bond has to desperately kill the villain because it's the climax. (Newton is smiling since it is virtually impossible?) James Bond suddenly pulls two guns from his pockets. He throws one gun in the air and when the gun has reached above the height of the wall, he uses the second gun and shoots at the trigger of the first gun in air. The first gun fires off and the villain is dead.
Newton commits suicide....

Thursday 29 March 2012


LE BALAIYA, ee ka hua?
Kahe albalaye huye hain? Etna narbhasane se kuchchho nahin hoga.
O-mi-gosh, what's this? Why are you so flustered? Such nervousness won't help matters.

The inveterate linguist may scream at such an apparent contamination of Hindi language but the average Bihari simply loves to throw all narrow parameters of grammar to the winds. For them, the funnier they are, the better their adaptability is into their inimitable lingua franca. Over the years, Biharis have invented a language, which has an unmistakable stamp of their own.

In recent times, its popularity has traveled far and wide beyond the borders of the State many screen heroes, including Amitabh Bachchan, have mouthed Bihari clichés with characteristic élan - a far cry from the days when it was thought to be an infra dig of sorts for anybody other than country bumpkins and unscrupulous politicians to perpetrate such "verbal atrocities".

All that, however, is passé now. Bihari Boli is sweeter than honey now not only in Bollywood but also on the campuses of prestigious universities and IITs across the country. Words like harbaraye, garbaraye, bargalaye, thartharaye and dhanmanaye which would have sounded Greek to outsiders earlier are being used with gay abandon by the hep youngsters there.

Sobriquets laced with double entendres like "garda", “bawaal” and “dhuan” denoting the varying degree of a girl's beauty can be heard not only in Patna University colleges but also faraway Fergusson College in Pune. Moreover, a-go, dugo, teengo and chaartho type of numerology that was a matter of disdain not long ago is being accepted even by the stiff upper-lips without any qualms. So, notes sarka do (pass on the notes),"batti buta do (put out the lights)", Principal ko harka do (bamboozle the principal), burbak kahin ka (you stupid fellow!), hum to biga gaye (I was thrown out) and Hum to huan thebe kiye the (I was very much there) are some of the expressions which have conveniently made their way into the otherwise prim-and-propah St Stephens, New Delhi. Similarly, coinages like dhakiyaye (shoved), mukiyaye (punched), and latiyaye (kicked)are the current rage. Hiyan (here),huan (there), kahe (why), enne (this way) and onne (that way) are some of other typical words, which are spoken rather nonchalantly by so-called educated lot.

One, therefore, does not get surprised if one hears tanikke for little, nimman for good, anhar for darkness and ejot for lights. For them, colloquial language need not be tied to any narrow rules. E topicwa par maatha khapane se kuchchho nahi hoga (nothing is to come out of this topic), as one wit commented. Among many characteristics of this language are its terms of endearment. Seldom does one hear people on the streets calling each other by their real names. Raju automatically becomes Rajua, Pappu turns into Pappua, Rajesh into Rajeshwa and Shatrughna at best Satrohna.

This potpourri of all Bihari dialects has also coined new terms for human anatomy which would baffle an FRCP if he were to land here straight from Edinburgh. Here gor means legs, moori is substitute to head, ongree is equivalent to finger, thor denotes lips and kapar is synonymous with forehead. This language also has more onomatopoeic words than probably any other.

Words like tapak se, gapak se, and japak se can be understood by listening to their phonetical sounds. No longer is Bihari language associated with a few howlers like eskool (school), teeshan (station)and singal (signal) only. There are certain words which carry the precise meaning but which cannot be properly substituted by any word in other languages. Machchar bhamhor liya is probably is one such example. Bhamhorna is a super word, which means the collective assault of mosquitoes to "bhamhor" you. But then, one might argue, where else do you find so many mosquitoes to bhamhor you. Similarly, routine sariyana (to arrange one books and notebooks in the schoolbag according to the class schedule), Dupatta lasiyana (when a girl's dupatta sweeps the floor as she walks unknowingly)give the exact word for which other languages will take a sentence to convey the meaning. Right from Laloo Prasad Yadav, who emerges as the best speaker of his ghar ki boli to the inimitable Shekhar Suman, everybody loves to flaunt his native command of the language. Earlier, Biharis were notorious for atrocious gender sense and shoddy pronunciation.

Now, the same traits have become the tour-de-force of their conversation. The time has certainly come to raise ekadhgo (one or two) toast to the longevity of the Bihari language.

"Teengo" cheers to that!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Free Web Layouts

Hostel Life

The place where someone called out u saying “sir please walk on footpath” instead of someone yelling at you “sale footaptha kya show ke liye banaya hai.. (u @@@ is the footapth made for a show??)”.

The place where every guy rode a ladybird though he never dared test his sisters bicycle when she bought it for the first time.

The place where the alarms woke me up  instead of Mom shaking and pushing me to get up.

The place where you always had a shoulder to cry when you were sad and a hand to high five when you were happy.

The place where watching movies late night was no issue even if that meant getting up early next morning.

The place where the guards told you “”you are entering a disciplined place, act one even if you are not one”.

The place where you could return the next day and no one would ask you where had you been.

The place where you were paid to study and you studied so ruthlessly like never before even though your parents paid for your fees and you never bothered to study throughout your life .

The place which gave you your first salary and you had no clue what to do with it but wanted to do everything with it.

The place where every weekend meant a party or an outing.

The place where Friday nights meant going to a laundry to get your clothes washed though you had no clue how much Surf for 10 clothes.

The place where you remembered moms food 24*7

The place where you missed dad yelling at the slightest mistake.

The place where you couldn’t find peace without your brother though you always were at war with him.

The place where you realized you loved someone more than the hottest girl in the campus.

The place where you made friends for a life though people always said friends at work don’t last long

The place where you saw a life you never imagined
The place where time management skills were developed without your knowledge. You learnt to toggle between swimming ,study ,GYM and home and always had enough time to do them all.

The place where projects meant team work and you really had to work.

The place where people didn’t bother who you were and still entire hostel erupts in claps when they heard someone play a guitar or sing a song.

The place where all of them had same room keys and all that mattered where room numbers. You were never far away from the farthest person you knew on the campus.

The place where You meet at a place called “gazzebo” and ask an unknown person for a smoke and then you realize you made a big gang out there.

The place where you never felt odd to stand in a queue for 3 long hours to get a movie ticket with all your friends in the queue whereas back home you always asked friends to do advance booking for entire group.

The place where you learnt 10 different ways to cook Maggie in a kettle  which was ‘par boiled’, ’unboiled’, ’half boiled’ but never properly boiled whereas you only knew a single recipe back home and shouted at Mom for overcooking or undercooking ‘Maggie’

The place where you realized why mom always made a checklist while going to a supermarket because you always purchased 9 unwanted items from the 10 items you just brought from ‘loyal world.’

The place where bread, jam or bread, butter or bread, cheese always had kurkure as toppings .

The place where you realized you must be having more APPY and MIRINDA in your veins as supposed to blood.

The place where you had at least 10 autowallahs number saved to your cell phone and call them up regularly though you never knew a single autowallahs name back in your home town.

The place where you spent talking to mom for hours though you rarely talked to her that long daily back home.

The place where you called up friends daily just to tell them how much you miss them.

The place where you realized the magic of words and power of blogs.

The place which showed you the best of life and then one day say “you are on your own. Now go and face the real world.”

Tuesday 20 March 2012


ख़ुद को तुम मेरी कायनात कहो
दिल को जो छूले ऐसी बात कहो

आज मौसम की पहली बारिश में
तन्हा कैसे कटेगी रात कहो 

पास बैठो कभी तो पल दो पल
कुछ हमारी कुछ अपनी बात कहो

आज वो बेनक़ाब निकले हैं
आज की रात चाँद रात कहो

हो गया होगा रो के दिल हल्का
ग़म से पाई नहीं निजात कहो

ज़िन्दगी को सुकून देती है
मौत को राहते-हयात कहो

ख़ाक जलकर हुआ है कौन ‘रक़ीब’
किसने खाई है किससे मात कहो

Life iz Journey

Life is a journey which haults at different stops of experiences. Some good ones and some really bad ones. Some to be treasured and some to be forgotten and thrown in the deep well of lost and never found. I also am a traveller travelling on this journey and trying to collect some of the experiences which are coming my way.

Well the strangest part is that for this journey we do not know who is the driver whether we oursleves, our deeds or some one else who plans and take us anywhere he pleases or take us on the basis of the deeds we do.

It is sometimes in our hands whether we are sad or happy as we proceed Some people are really happy just for the sake of something new happening at every new point. Some people just do not want to see new things in life and they are the ones who are sad for something which they are never prepared for and is not in their favor. Well some others are totally like kites which try to fly with the wind of the time and take the direction which life offers them and not think much about the happiness or sadness but find the role they played in the whole journey. Whether they really did something as a traveller so that they may be remembered or they just travelled and moved on without leaving any impression at all.

I am wandering and wondering just to know whether i fall in one of the categories.Whether the experiences of life teach me or I will learn with every new direction I move on.I wish this journey ends at a point where I can really have something to offer for the new travellers to make their lives a little more comfortable then mine.


My memories remind me of the time,
When the life was a song of the chyme.
There was nature and the birds around,
To sing with me and to hear that holy sound.
The squirrel would come to me and pull my hand,
To run for the cherry and to seek for a friend.
The rabbit would hop and hide in a hole,
Just to find it eating carrorts near a pole.
The plumes of the peacock dropped on the road,
Just hinted me of the rain and time for paper boats to float.
The mornings were white and the evenings were red,
Just to tell the clouds are there and the sun is glad.
Oh mother nature be by my side,
To make my life nice and bright.
To keep those moments cheerful and alive,
and make these memories part of life.
Forever and ever and ever.....


he was like acoustic music

As the sun sets beneath the horizon, I sit gazing out of the window at the sky thats getting darker by the second. Then, suddenly I have an amazing thought..if daily activities come to an end everyday just like how the sun sets everyday, is it possible for a person to re-enter our lives over and over again like the rising sun? This I was debating with myself for a substantial amount of time; half of me was saying 'how nice it would be if that was the case' whereas the other half of me was saying 'if that was the case, then the true value of eternal love is no more'. I had thought about this for awhile and came to a conclusion that my second half was correct. Once people keep entering ad leaving our lives, the value of true love is really lost, hence making love worthless. 

Therefore, once a person enters your life, no matter if you quarrel and break-up with him/her, there will always be a space for him/her in your heart which is not replaceable by anyone. 

Before ending this, I say that for myself, once a boy entered my heart, he will always have a special place in it, just like acoustic music, which I love. 

Saturday 3 March 2012

Expectations...and expectations huh!

Expectations...and expectations huh!

A parent expects his/her child to be the most perfect human being in the whole world....
A teacher expects his /her students to excel in all fields...
A husband expects his wife to be the most beautiful and caring
A wife expects her husband to be the richest.

Ahh! I might be wrong ...and the expectations might be different..but don't you think we all expect a lot from others?

Don't you think that is a kind of dependency?

Don't you think life would have been much more easier if we expected less from others?

I have often felt that one of the main reasons of sadness is expecting a lot...

Love..which mysteriously connects two people..gets ruined due to expectations...

~~* A few days of my friends...did something that left me shocked...I am shocked even now..she has spoilt her future...
I expected her to be doing well in studies..but..ahhh!!..that made me realize....I really expected too much..what right do I have..yes I am a friend.... I don't own I?

Friendship is the most precious relationship on this Earth..I value it so much....

Expectations do ruin it...yes I've experienced it.....

I end with the lines I found in one of my notebooks...

~~*Har jazbaat ko zubaan nahi milti
har aarzoo ko dua nahi milti
khushi mei toh sab dete hein saath
Dukh mei toh aasoo ko bhi aakhon mei panaah nahi milti*~~

Be happy be not expect too much even if u r a fool :P hey I rhymed it tats on a funny note though :P


I am "ME". I evolve... I change.. for good perhaps... but not for the best... best would never be attained... never in my life would I say YeS, I have the best! Desire for the best would make me live..make me fight .. But somewhere deep down I breathe with contentment.. Perhaps..the best is not something that gives you satisfaction!